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man sits in front of a laptop wearing earplugs and gesticulating with his hands.

My digital business

Your virtual office – work successfully online and hybrid. Work new with alfaview.

Free yourself from the idea of an office building as a workplace – with alfaview your company is available to you anytime and anyplace.
Whether you work in an office, hybrid, or from home, in alfaview you work together productively in one collaborative venue.
Confidential one-on-one conversations, teamwork, and meetings with people outside your company can be conducted securely and easily with alfaview.

Computer screen with an ongoing video conference and an expanded list of participants.
Video conference with open room list of the Sales department with the rooms DACH region, Asia, Benelux, Scandinavia, America and Meeting Sales.

Build your own virtual company structure. If needed, you can flexibly book additional rooms. Using browser access, guests can also attend meetings in alfaview quickly and easily. alfaview is the ideal solution for internal and external corporate communication.

All conversations you have with your customers in your alfaview rooms are protected and kept confidential. Only the people you give access to your rooms can enter them.

Selected person John Doe is assigned a user role. Possible user roles are admin, moderator, participant, viewer, guest and no access. Cursor is set to No access.

Discover the full range of features for corporate communications with alfaview.

What our clients say

Your virtual company

The organizational and room structure of your company can be reproduced virtually with alfaview just like in a building. This results in an intuitive navigational structure with departments and rooms, enabling smooth transitions between working at the office, from on-the-go, and from home.

Video conference with open room list in the sidebar. Various rooms and departments are shown in the room structure. The meeting is taking place in the Assistance room.
Room list of the Distribution department. Rooms are DACH region, Asia, Benelux, Scandinavia, America and Meeting. The mouse cursor is on Benelux, three people are displayed in the mouse-over.

The alfaview rooms are continuously available. You can define as many hosts as you need for each of your rooms, so events or meetings can be managed by more than one person at the same time.

The room list shows the number and names of the people who are already in the room. You can easily switch between rooms by clicking on the room name.

Each alfaview room contains 50 groups that can be used in parallel as breakout rooms for confidential talks or working in small teams, and renamed as desired.

Using the list of participants, you can see who is in which breakout room at any time.

List of participants in the DACH region with subgroups. 5 people are in the main room, 3 in the Benelux room.
Woman is sitting at a desk in front of a computer and is in a video conference.

User-friendly & intuitive communication

Our high image quality ensures that the facial expressions and gestures of the participants are recognizable even in large meetings. With alfaview there is no video conference fatigue, because communication in the virtual space is no different from communication in person. With its clear design and user-friendly features, alfaview is self-explanatory and intuitive to use.

alfaview runs on all common platforms and operating systems as well as on mobile devices.

Maximum performance with maximum data protection and privacy

Data protection and privacy is the top priority for alfaview. Especially in a corporate setting, when sensitive company data is involved, no compromises can be made when it comes to data protection. Your employees’ personal data is also safe with alfaview.

alfaview offers numerous security features you can use to ensure the security of your everyday work. Invitation links can be personalized and provided with a start and end date and time. Using various, individually assignable permission groups, you can define who is granted access to which rooms and which permissions the respective individuals have within these rooms.

Book your alfaview rooms now

Test alfaview free of charge or book alfaview rooms for your company right away.