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alfaview’s antitrust complaint with the European Commission against Microsoft

On December 17, 2021, alfaview informally filed a complaint with the European Commission to have the bundeling of Microsoft Teams and the Office 365 suite, which we consider anticompetitive, reviewed. On July 20, 2023, the official step followed in the form of an extended complaint with the European Commission against Microsoft in order to remain closely involved in the proceedings as a formal complainant. As part of the proceedings formally opened on July 27, 2023, the Commission must now examine whether the integration of the Teams conferencing service into Microsoft’s Office 365 suite constitutes an antitrust violation in the sense of abusive tying. On 25 June 2024, the European Commission sends a Statement of Objections to Microsoft over possibly abusive tying practices regarding Teams.

Reason for our complaint: Tying MS Teams to Office 365

Since 2017, the year after the release of alfaview, the Teams conferencing service has been included in all Microsoft Office 365 plans. We believe that the integration of Teams into the Office suite, which is omnipresent in the B2B market, eliminates any competition in the field of video conferencing and collaboration programs. Innovative and powerful products can no longer compete on the market because Microsoft has a dominant position in the area of PC operating systems as well as office applications.

In general, companies are free to tie products together within the scope of their distribution sovereignty. However, antitrust law restricts this freedom in the case of dominant providers if the tying restricts competition on the market for the tied product. Tying it with the other applications in the Microsoft Office 365 suite creates a multipolar distribution advantage and a sales head start for Microsoft Teams, as the service has gained the same reach as Office practically overnight – an advantage that competitors cannot catch up with by means of merit competition.

The market shows that companies are no longer willing to allocate budget for video conferencing software because Teams is already included in the Office suite they license – supposedly free of charge. Fact is: Companies, schools, and public institutions that have licensed the Microsoft 365 suite must pay for the high server costs of Teams as well – regardless of whether they want to use the software or not. Video conferencing services generate continuous user/load-based server costs. We consider it anticompetitive to pass on the high costs generated by Teams also to those users of the 365 suite who do not want to use the Teams conferencing tool.

Our demands


With the integration of Teams into the Office 365 suite, any competition in the video conferencing and collaboration sector is eliminated. Other innovative and performant products can therefore only place themselves on the market with difficulty in the long term. Teams must therefore be decoupled from the Office 365 suite.

Cost transparency

Teams as a product must be priced transparently along real costs. Cross-financing via other products (in this case from the MS product range) is anti-competitive under the competition rules of the European Union.


For fair competition, it is necessary that all competitors on the market are given the same technical opportunities to make their services interoperable with Office. Even with a further development of Microsoft Teams, market participants such as alfaview must have the same opportunities as collaboration providers so that they can be used by Office users.


Equivalent booking options with and without Teams need to be offered and advertised for all Office 365 product configurations and all business units. The fact that Teams is automatically included within Office packages puts market competitors such as alfaview at a disadvantage, as we have marketing and sales expenses to establish our software in the market. In contrast, Microsoft can make their product available to their existing customers without having to spend on marketing and sales.

Talks with Microsoft

In the light of the antitrust complaint against Microsoft at the EU Commission, bilateral talks were held on August 17, 2023 at Microsoft’s request. We gladly accepted the invitation to a meeting after the EU Commission had opened the formal proceedings. We discussed the contents of the complaint with Microsoft’s management and outlined our concerns.

Microsoft explained their strategic thinking on integrating Teams into Office 365 and justified the integration with the further development of Skype to Teams. In order to address our concerns in more detail and to find possible solutions, we agreed to further discuss the issue in more detail in additional video calls or face-to-face meetings.

After several rounds of discussions, both via video call and at a personal meeting at alfaview’s headquarters in Karlsruhe, it has become apparent that Microsoft has no serious interest in completely untying Teams from the 365 suite and pricing the product according to its actual costs. Such a measure would be necessary to enable democratic and fair competition in the European market. Therefore, alfaview officially ended discussions with Microsoft on March 1, 2024.

Press releases

Press coverage

October 11, 2024

Online Education, in English: Microsoft’s Teams Bundling: What EU’s Crackdown Means for Tech & Education

June 25, 2024

Heise, in German: EU-Kommission: Microsoft verstößt mit Teams gegen Wettbewerbsvorschriften

The Guardian, in English: Microsoft faces huge antitrust fine over Teams app

Wired, in English: Microsoft Faces EU Charges Over ‘Abusive’ Bundling

New York Post, in English: Microsoft hit with antitrust charges by EU over ‘possibly abusive’ business practices

Handelsblatt, in German: Microsoft droht hohe EU-Kartellstrafe wegen Teams

AP News, in English: Microsoft breached antitrust rules by bundling Teams with office software, European Union says

EU Commission, in English: Commission sends Statement of Objections to Microsoft over possibly abusive tying practices regarding Teams

March 18, 2024

CloudComputing-Insider, in German: Alfaview spricht nicht mehr mit Microsoft

March 16, 2024

Legales, in Spanish: Competencia: una segunda denuncia ante la UE por Microsoft Teams

August 31, 2023

Handelsblatt, in German: Microsoft löst auf EU-Druck Verzahnung von Teams und Office

Die Zeit, in German: Microsoft löst Teams aus Software-Paketen heraus

heise online, in German: EU-Kartellverfahren: Microsoft entbündelt Teams

Le monde informatique, in French: Microsoft arrache finalement Teams d’Office en Europe

Global Competition Review, in English: Microsoft unbundles Teams from Office amid EU scrutiny

August 23, 2023

Die Zeit, in German: Niko gegen Goliath. Ein IT-Unternehmer aus Karlsruhe legt sich mit Microsoft an.

July 30, 2023

Mononews, in Greek: Νίκος Φωστηρόπουλος: Ο Έλληνας επιχειρηματίας που… τα έβαλε με την Microsoft

July 27, 2023

Reuters, in English: Microsoft in EU antitrust crosshairs over Teams, Office tie-up

Wall Street Journal, in English: Microsoft Faces European Antitrust Investigation Over Bundling of Teams Software

The Guardian, in English: EU opens antitrust inquiry into Microsoft’s Teams software

July 22, 2023

Techwar, in Greek: Η Microsoft δέχθηκε καταγγελία αντιμονοπωλιακής νομοθεσίας σχετικά με τη ομαδοποίηση των ομάδων από έναν αντίπαλο στη Γερμανία

July 20, 2023

Reuters, in English: Exclusive: Microsoft hit with EU antitrust complaint by German rival

Heise online, in German: EU-Beschwerde über Microsoft Teams von deutschem Videokonferenzanbieter

PR contact

For queries:

Prof. Dr. Thomas Höppner
Partner / Lawyer
Hausfeld Rechtsanwälte LLP