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The security of video conferences depends on two aspects: On the one hand, the software must comply with high security standards. On the other hand, users have to handle the software responsibly. In this article, we explain some of the features that make alfaview a secure video conferencing software. Find out what measures you can take yourself to ensure your video conferences are secure in this article.

TLS Encryption in accordance with the guidelines of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)

alfaview encrypts all data, i.e. all communication data and all data stored on memory devices, in accordance with the strict BSI recommendations. This encryption helps to protect you from data breaches and other attacks.

Privacy by Design: Data protection on a technical level

alfaview incorporates data protection measures at a technical level: We only collect data that is necessary to provide the software. The measures to protect this data are transparently outlined in the technical and organizational measures of our data processing agreement.

Privacy by Default: Privacy-friendly default settings

The default settings of the software are designed in a way to meet the highest data protection requirements. Before joining an alfaview room users are asked whether – and if yes, which – camera they want to activate. With the preview window users can ensure that only the intended image section is visible in the camera image. The microphone is switched off by default. alfaview’s principle is “I see you, you see me”: Only people who show their video image to you can see yours as well.

ISO 27001 certification with regular audits

In order to adequately protect confidential information such as customer data, we have developed a highly effective information management system. Its quality and efficiency are externally certified by TÜV Hessen, which confirms a responsible handling of information as well as a high security and quality of business processes according to international standards. As part of this certification, alfaview undergoes regular audits.

Servers in GDPR compliant and ISO certified data centers

Many US cloud providers operate data centers in Europe and advertise them as GDPR-compliant. However, the US companies remain subject to the Patriot Act, which allows US authorities to access servers in these data centers without a court order. If German companies host their software at such data centers, the transfer of data (customer and communication data) to unsecure third countries such as the US cannot be ruled out. alfaview exclusively uses data centers that are located in Germany and have their corporate headquarters in Germany. By doing so, we guarantee that your data remains in the area covered by the GDPR.

Regular security updates

We constantly work on the further development of alfaview: Through regular updates, alfaview proactively optimizes the performance and security of the software. New features are being added in order to continuously improve the user experience. By regularly updating alfaview, you benefit from the latest security standards and feature enhancements.